[Mailman-Users] optimizing mail delivery

Jerry Adlersfluegel jerrya at jerrya.fastrans.net
Wed Nov 17 21:08:42 CET 1999

On Wed, 17 Nov 1999, Paul Tomblin wrote:

> Wrong.  Sendmail *does* do this for you.  If you have a bunch of  people on a
> list in random order, sendmail will work through the list in order, but every
> time it connects to a domain, it will send one message to *all* the members of
> the list at that domain.  One of my most popular lists has at least 30% of its
> subscribers at panix.com, and another 10% at best.com.  When it was on
> majordomo, the entire list was passed off to sendmail in one chunk.  Since one
> of the panix.com people is first on the list, all the panixians got their mail
> first, then a few more people, then all the people at best.com, etc.  Now that
> I'm using mailman, and it's split into 5 chunks, I've noticed that one of the
> chunks is all panixians, which goes in one message to panix, and one of the
> chunks is almost all bestians, which also goes in one message.

This is similar to what I see with my mailman/sendmail setup. It seems
pretty well thought out.

Jerry Adlersfluegel

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