[Mailman-Users] [Patch] "(Details)" bug, minor

Bernhard Reiter breiter at ffii.org
Sat May 22 04:10:59 CEST 1999

Fixed two minor bugs regarding the (Details)
buttons on the general options page for a mailinglist.

	* hitting them openend another browser, this is unwanted from
	a usability point of view. If the user wants another window,
	he will tell his browser so or open one right away.

	Even if not everybody considers this a bug, it should be
	at least configurable (and off per default of course. ;> )

	* The detail page lacks the submit button for really submitting
	the changed data. 

	The comment in the code told the story.
	I added another line to save the user from losing the
	typed in information or the overview about the operations here.

BTW: A guide on how to seamlessly integrate hypermail would
be greatly appreciated, IMO.


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