[Mailman-Users] Mailman 1.0b9, password requirement.

Barry A. Warsaw bwarsaw at cnri.reston.va.us
Thu Mar 25 07:30:46 CET 1999

Password-less unsubscribes have been thrashed about a lot.  I think
the general concensus was that we should support the following
list-wide options:

1. current situation -- password is required to unsub (yes you can do
   this via email)

2. confirmation before unsub -- much like subscribing via the web.
   you just need to hit reply.

3. confirmation after unsub -- don't require password or pre-unsub
   confirm, just remove the addr but send an informational message
   telling them what just happened (in the very rare case of malicious

Does this sound like it would cover what everybody wants?

I seriously doubt this will make it in before 1.0.

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