[Mailman-Users] posting restrictions still confusing to me (or not working?)

Christian Tismer tismer at appliedbiometrics.com
Mon Mar 8 20:56:06 CET 1999

"Barry A. Warsaw" wrote:
> >>>>> "CL" == Christopher Lindsey <lindsey at ncsa.uiuc.edu> writes:
>     | What I ended up doing was changing the section in
>     | $prefix/Mailman/MailList.py (line 1024 in 1.0b9) that says
>     |    sender = msg.GetEnvelopeSender()
>     |    if not sender:
>     |       sender = msg.GetSender()
>     CL> to
>     |    sender = msg.GetSender()
> Vivek, did this fix your problem?
> I still have not been able to reproduce this at all.  When I set
> posts_approved to no, member_posting_only to yes, and have nothing in
> the following text box, it works for me as expected.  Member postings
> go through immediately, but non-members postings are held for
> approval.

I'm having a similar problem. I believe, the envelope thing
might be the reason why I always have to approve messages
to python-de at starship.python.net which were redirected form
starship.skyport.net . Is it possible that there is some relay
in the way which puts another envelope around the message?
I'll give it a try.

ciao - chris

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at appliedbiometrics.com>
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