[Mailman-Users] bizzarre; disregard previous

Harald Meland Harald.Meland at usit.uio.no
Sun Jun 13 18:36:56 CEST 1999

[Corbett J. Klempay]

> One question: in the 'make update', is there a reason why it asks
> you to manually copy the new options.html file for each list (or
> should this be done as part of make update)?

"make update" doesn't know if you have edited the options.html file
for any of your already existing lists, or if the copy residing in
$prefix/lists/LISTNAME/ is simply an unmodified copy of the
options.html that was distributed with an old Mailman.

Thus, you'll have to do the copying of the updated options.html by
hand (for the lists where it's appropriate).  Yes, this can be rather

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