[Mailman-Users] Wait wait, don't tell me! (was Re: Can I change a user's password for him?) password for him?)

Harald Meland Harald.Meland at usit.uio.no
Sat Jun 5 23:20:08 CEST 1999

[Mitchell Marks]

> I'd still be interested in hearing about access through the
> filesystem or a program.

To the best of my knowledge, there isn't a "convenient" command-line
interface for changing users passwords.

However, you can do it from the Python interpreter.  Each list's
configuration is saved as a "marshalled" Python dict, and in this dict
the key 'passwords' have as it's value a dict with lowercased member
addresses as keys and passwords (in clear text) as values.

> BTW, where would be the best place to look for documentation on the
> programs in bin?

Some of them support a "--help" option to print out some

> Like, which are intended for use from the command line, syntax, and
> what they do?

I think _all_ of the programs installed in bin/ are intended to be
used from the command line.  And yes, better documentation for some of
them (i.e. those neither supporting --help nor being fairly obvious)
would indeed be a win...

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