[Mailman-Users] HTML messages

Barry A. Warsaw bwarsaw at cnri.reston.va.us
Sun Jan 24 20:45:57 CET 1999

>>>>> "JB" == Jonathan Bradshaw <jonathan at NrgUp.Com> writes:

    JB> Does anyone have any ideas (or maybe this is a "feature" to be
    JB> implemented?)  on how to fix those annoying messages that
    JB> include the same thing in HTML...  the trouble is most people
    JB> who do that are newbies and don't have a clue how to turn it
    JB> off. I'd simply like to "Strip all attachments" type option.
    JB> (Especially for digests...)

While I find this very annoying too, under the Theory of Least Munging
I'm leary of hacking Mailman to do this kind of filtering.  I think
it's better to educate users -- in my experience most will reset the
defaults when the problem is explained in a friendly and helpful

That said, something I'd like to see happen in a future version would
be an extensible filtering framework.  This could be used to support
the feature you're looking for.


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