[Mailman-Users] import paths error

Barry A. Warsaw bwarsaw at cnri.reston.va.us
Wed Jan 13 04:06:57 CET 1999

>>>>> "TH" == Tom Hallewell <hallewellt at rfa.org> writes:

    TH> I am trying to get mailman set up under Red Hat 5.1, running
    TH> Python 1.5.1 and keep getting the following message:

    TH> Traceback (innermost last):
    |   File "bin/mmsitepass", line 26, in ?
    |     import paths
    TH> ImportError: No module named paths

    TH> whenever I try running either /bin/mmsitepass or /bin/newlist
    TH> Python will not "import paths" on its own either.  Am I
    TH> missing a module or the whole point? : )


Did you run configure and `make install'?  Are you running Mailman out 
of the directory it was installed into (which should be different than 
the directory you unpacked the source in).  There should be a paths.py 
file in the bin/ directory.  The symptoms you describe sound like what 
would happen if you try to run things out of the directory you
unpacked the source in (where there's no paths.py file in bin/).


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