[Mailman-Users] Auto Generating Menus

Neil Burrows maillist at remo.demon.co.uk
Wed Feb 24 15:36:31 CET 1999


Installed Mailman and got in running perfectly in a test environment.

On the site I wish to incorporate Mailman on, all the pages are scripted and
the menu bar at the side of each page is autogenerated.

Is there any way in Mailman, when you edit the HTML, to allow the calling of
an external program or even to include another file (which could contain the
menu HTML and be updated frequently using Cron)?

Many regards,

---[  Neil Burrows  ]-----------------------------------------------------
E-mail: neil.burrows at gssec.bt.co.uk             British Telecom Plc.
      : neil at pawprint.co.uk                     Glasgow Engineering Centre
Web   : http://www.remo.demon.co.uk/            Highburgh Rd.  Glasgow  UK
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