[Mailman-Users] Stopping Attachments

Sanjay Parekh sanjay.parekh at arris-i.com
Mon Feb 22 22:50:15 CET 1999

At 04:22 PM 2/22/99 , Clark Evans wrote:
>Is there a way to reject postings with attachments?

	I put the following in the area labelled "Hold posts with header value
matching a specified regexp.":

content-type: .*(multipart/|/enriched|coded|html)

	This doesn't reject them but does hold them for approval.  At least thats
one way around it for now.  This is similar to what I did when I ran
SmartList (actually I still do..  until I transition all my lists).


|         Sanjay Parekh          |
|   sanjay.parekh at arris-i.com    |
| Systems Engineer - Cornerstone |
|       Arris Interactive        |
|          Atlanta, GA           |
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