[Mailman-Users] Converting from Listserv

Harald Meland Harald.Meland at usit.uio.no
Mon Feb 15 17:46:41 CET 1999

[temple at temple.inre.asu.edu]

> Listserv has a retrievable "Notebook" for each month.  I have quite a
> history on notebooks and don't want to look them.  Is there a way to
> extract and convert them to a MailMan achive?

I have no knowledge of Listserv, so I don't know about extraction --
but if you can get the archives extracted to standard mbox files, you
can use

  $prefix/bin/arch LIST_NAME /path/to/extracted/archive.mbox

to add any messages in the extracted archive (but not yet in Mailman's
archive) to the Mailman archive.


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