[Mailman-Users] Stopping multihoming 'feature'

Corbett J. Klempay cklempay at acm.jhu.edu
Mon Feb 8 07:21:41 CET 1999

I know I've seen this discussed and answered once before, but couldn't
find it in the archives (argh, time for me to make that indexer/searcher

I know it's a feature where Mailman treats my machine differently,
depending on which name is used...but how do I turn of this functionality?
I know I saw that you could change a 1 to a 0 or something somewhere to do
this :)  This machine is both chimera.acm.jhu.edu and www2.acm.jhu.edu,
and all these acm guys keep trying to do stuff by using
chimera.acm.jhu.edu as the beginning of the address, and they see that it
behaves differently and think something's broken :)

Corbett J. Klempay			         Quote of the Week:
http://www2.acm.jhu.edu/~cklempay  "Don't judge a man's wealth -- or his
				    piety -- by his appearance on Sunday."

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