[Mailman-Users] Feature request: editable welcome message

Barry A. Warsaw bwarsaw at cnri.reston.va.us
Tue Dec 21 06:44:03 CET 1999

>>>>> "MM" == Marc Merlin <marc_news at valinux.com> writes:

    MM> Talking about config_list, I tried it last week and it was
    MM> very nice, but I was hoping it would also dump the list of
    MM> users with their subscribe attributes.  This would let me move
    MM> a list of users to a different list/different machine without
    MM> having to copy the config.db and having to hack it afterwards.


If you really want something that is a combination of those two, it
would be easy for you to hack together some Python based on those two
scripts.  It's not a high priority for me though.


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