[Mailman-Users] newbie sgid problems/questions

Saille Warner Norton saille at bleah.com
Mon Dec 6 23:45:31 CET 1999


MAILMAN_UID=    mail

to your Makefile, and recompile.


At 01:10 PM 12/05/1999 -0600, Skip Montanaro wrote:

>Sorry to bomb the list with a newbie question without being subscribed to
>the list or perusing the archives, but www.python.org is unavailable at the
>moment and I'm heading out of town for a few days and would like this not to
>sit unresolved for a week if possible.  I didn't see my problem addressed in
>the FAQ
>I installed mailman on my RH 5.2 system with the following configure
>    ./configure  --with-cgi-gid=httpd --prefix=/home/dolphin/mailman
>Everything went fine until I tried to add a new user to a newly created
>list.  The confirmation reply bombed with the following in /var/log/maillog:
>     Dec  5 09:56:59 dolphin smrsh: uid 2: attempt to use wrapper mailcmd rma
>No problemo.  Just add the appropriate symlink.
>Then I got:
>     Dec  5 10:17:02 dolphin Mailman mail-wrapper: Failure to exec
>       script. WANTED gid 12, GOT gid 2.  (Reconfigure to take 2?)
>Group 12 is "mail".  Group 2 is "daemon".  Okay, so I manually changed the
>group for mail/wrapper to "mail".  No change.  Realizing there is some
>checking code in the wrapper program itself, I tried "make clean" and then
>reconfigured with
>     ./configure  --with-cgi-gid=1000 --prefix=/home/dolphin/mailman 
> --with-mail-gid=12
>(1000 == httpd, 12 == mail)
>Upon installation (as user "skip"), the mail/wrapper program was still group
>"mailman" (the setgid bit was set however), so as root I manually changed
>its group to mail.  I still get the same "Failure to exec" message in
>The installation instructions explicitly said to not perform the
>build/install step as root:
>     You should not be root while performing the steps in this section.
>     Do them under your own login, or whatever account you typically
>     install software as.
>This is typically me (skip).
>     However, make sure that you have write permissions to the target
>     installation directory, and permission to create a setgid file in
>     the file system where it resides (NFS and other mounts can be
>     configured to inhibit setgid settings).
>It doesn't complain when I install, but still installs the wrapper as group
>"mailman".  Do I need to be in the group "mail"?
>Skip Montanaro | http://www.mojam.com/
>skip at mojam.com | http://www.musi-cal.com/
>847-971-7098   | Python: Programming the way Guido indented...
>Mailman-Users maillist  -  Mailman-Users at python.org

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