[Mailman-Users] problem w/ GID setting

Barry A. Warsaw bwarsaw at CNRI.Reston.VA.US
Mon Dec 6 17:11:05 CET 1999

>>>>> "MF" == Miles Fidelman <mfidelman at civicnet.org> writes:

    MF> thanks, and.... drat... that's at odds with the documentation,
    MF> and makes it harder to use Mailman when supporting multiple
    MF> virtual domains, sigh..

The documentation (INSTALL file) says:

            Specify an alternative group for running scripts via the
            CGI wrapper.  <group-or-groups> can be a list of one or
            more integer group ids or symbolic group names.  The first
            value in the list that resolves to an existing group is
            used.  By default, the value is the the list `www www-data

so it's clearly not at odds with the docs (unless there's some other
file you're looking at?)

As for making it harder for virtual domains, you're going to have to
explain this in more detail.  I don't see how virtual domains would
affect the gid that your web server runs cgis as.


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