[Mailman-Users] User Unknown problem

Christopher Schulte christopher at schulte.org
Tue Aug 24 18:36:15 CEST 1999

At 09:09 AM 8/24/99 -0700, Kole Dunn wrote:
 >Hi, i asked this question already, but no response or fix yet. I installed
 >Mailman with the Red Hat 6.0 install, and all works well until I try to
 >confirm  the request for joining a list. Here is the message in the
 >returned email:
 >    Recipient: <staff-request at arialnet.net>
 >    Reason:    <staff-request at arialnet.net>... User unknown
 >Is "staff-request" automatically created as a virtual recipient within
 >Mailman? So close to having it work, can someone please help?

No, not with sendmail.  You need to manually create these aliases from 
within the sendmail aliases file.  This is *usually* /etc/aliases.  Check 
your specific configuration to be sure.  You may also need to rebuild the 
alias database once you edit this file.  With sendmail you can issue the 
`newaliases` command.


NAME: Christopher Schulte
MAIL: christopher at schulte.org
SITE: http://www.schulte.org/
FINGER: christopher at shell.schulte.org

"now i belong, i'm one of the beautiful ones"
--Trent Reznor, Nine Inch Nails HALO 13

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