[Mailman-Users] *UN*subscribing in bulk

Craig Kelley ink at inconnu.isu.edu
Tue Aug 24 17:54:15 CEST 1999

We have custom user setup scripts to setup groups, netscape and other
miscellaneous items.  Any user can belong to any mailing list, which
creates a problem when we remove users from the system.

We used to use SmartList which would keep e-mail addresses in a plain text
file and when any user was deleted it was simple to grep for them and
unsubscribe them. 

I have adapted the user deletion scripts to use `list_members` to
enummerate the users in a group and then `remove_members` to take them
out.  This takes *forever*; every time we remove a user (and we have
hundreds to do in bulk plus the occasional dozen which are done by hand)
it must perform `list_members` on every list (we have close to 40).

Is there another way to do this?

Can I count on grep <email> listpath/config.db to work in future versions,
or is list_members the only guaranteed way?

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