[Mailman-Users] High load while sending a message.

Fabricio Chalub fc at riverrun.com.br
Mon Aug 16 20:49:59 CEST 1999


I just configured mailman on my RH 6.0 box and set up a 60-people list.
Now, whenever I send a mail to this list, my server load average goes to 20
and even sometimes 40, instead of the normal 0.5 :)   My hard-disk goes
crazy but the CPU usage remains low (0% - 10 %).

Why does this happen?  Is mailman running 60 copies of python at the same
time?   I have 128 mb, and normally 3 mb on swap.  When I send a mail, my
swap usage climbs up to 27-35 megabytes!

It is impossible to use the machine while delivering the messages.

Anyone here has a similar problem? :(


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