[Mailman-Users] A couple of quick questions & comments

Barry A. Warsaw bwarsaw at cnri.reston.va.us
Fri Dec 18 06:40:29 CET 1998

>>>>> "JW" == Jason Wellman <nimh at morticia.ml.org> writes:

    JW> First off, a big hats off and thank you to everyone who has
    JW> worked on mailman. :) I love it, and intend to switch my
    JW> entire mailing list load to it.


    JW> But I have a couple of questions. ;)

    JW> 1) When gatwaying mail to the newsgroup and the archives the
    JW> prefix for the mailing list (like [mailman-users]) doesn't
    JW> show up.  It only shows up on delivered mail.  Is there a way
    JW> to get the prefix to remain on the messages?  If not I would
    JW> add that it might be a nice feature for future releases. ;)

Jason, such a good idea and so easy to add too!  This will be in
1.0b7.  I've done a bit of work on the gateway code so it should be
more stable as well.

    JW> 2) Pipermail archiving...a question and a sugestion.  First,
    JW> is there anyway to make the articles in the archive assend by
    JW> date?  And the suggestion...a search and edit funcion.  Online
    JW> editing for admins is extreamly useful for public archives. :)

Good suggestions.  I'm not sure how easy or hard it would be to
reverse the sort order when sorting by date, but I agree that it's
probably more useful to order it from most recent to oldest.

Searching: its a big thing on my list, but probably not for 1.0.
Editing is an interesting idea and I've put that on the TODO list.


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