[Mailman-Users] Error with duplicate Newsgroup headers

Barry A. Warsaw bwarsaw at cnri.reston.va.us
Thu Dec 10 22:51:55 CET 1998

>>>>> "VRS" == Viren R Shah <viren at rstcorp.com> writes:

    VRS> Anyone have a fix for this? Where is the best place to check
    VRS> for duplicate Newsgroups header? If an existing one is found,
    VRS> shouldn't the new group just be appended to the same header
    VRS> line (unless it is the identical group), such as:

That sounds about right.  Cees de Groot also posted a message (a long
time ago, sorry Cees!) about duplicate Sender: headers.  I'll add a
check for both of those.

However, I have a small problem with testing these changes; I don't
have a local newsgroup that I can test posting to.  Can anybody
contribute a news server and local newsgroup I can piggyback on for an 
hour or so?  If not, I might resort to dc.test (ouch).


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