[Mailman-i18n] Hebrew Mailman Support

Dov Zamir linux at zamirfamily.com
Fri Mar 23 16:02:00 CET 2007

ציטוט Barry Warsaw:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi Dov,
> On Mar 23, 2007, at 9:32 AM, Dov Zamir wrote:
>> 1) There is no "natural" way to get web pages that do not have an 
>> explicit <BODY...> directive to display RTL without changing some code.
>> 2) Command line scripts show up backwards and LTR.
>> To slove 1), I can add a piece of code to htmlformat.py to either 
>> read a new variable called dir from the .po file, and default to 
>> dir="ltr" if it isn't defined, or explicitly change it to dir="rtl" 
>> if language is "he". How did they solve this in Arabic?
> 'dir' is a variable in the .po file? I like the former solution better 
> because it is more general. I don't know which other languages than 
> Hebrew and Arabic are rtl, but if the standard approach is to define 
> this in the .po file, then I think that's where we should be reading 
> that out of. I don't want to have to special case any languages if 
> possible.
> A clean patch to fix this should be accepted into Mailman 2.1 (the svn 
> trunk probably will generate web pages in a totally different way, so 
> only patch that if you feel like it).
'dir' is not, at the moment there. I was asking if we could add it. I 
can do the coding and send in a diff. It's a general solution, and has 
been done before.
Thai is also RTL. I beleive these three are the only RTL languages.
>> One workaround that I used is to add WEB_BG_COLOR = 'white\" 
>> dir=\"rtl' in mm_cfg.py, but it works globally, and changes the 
>> direction of pages in any language.
>> Solving 2) is much more complicated. I may have to either leave the 
>> scripts in English, or enter the text backwards. Seems that entering 
>> text backwards will be painstaking to enter extremely dificult to 
>> maintain, but not impossible. Again, how did they solve this in Arabic?
> Neither of those solutions seems very good. Unfortunately, I don't 
> have any good suggestions. Perhaps if no one here can help you can 
> contact the Python i18n-sig to see if anyone there has better 
> suggestions. I can also ask around on the Canonical lists to see if 
> any Rosetta experts have suggestions. Can you provide a few standalone 
> examples?
What kind of examples do you need? Every script I run is an example. Do 
you want a screenshot?
> - -Barry
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