[Mailman-i18n] Where are the catalogs in CVS?

Juan Carlos Rey Anaya jcrey@uma.es
Mon, 08 Jan 2001 10:12:56 +0100

Dan Ohnesorg wrote:
> =

> I have just done upgrading the Czech catalogs to the newest version. I
> have also downloaded the latest CVS version of mailman to test the
> translation, but Im not able to find the other catalogs and at least th=
> place where the catalogs should be.
> =

You will not find that files by now in CVS because it is not fully
updated. Are missing from CVS, messages directory, new template
hierarchy and a final patch:

$prefix/messages/LANG/LC_MESSAGES/<files in this directory relating to
messages in LANG>
$prefix/templates/LANG/<templates files in LANG>

Where LANG can be a language abreviation (es, en, pt, cz, etc)

-- =

                         / F \
                        ( O O )
   |    Juan Carlos Rey Anaya (jcrey@uma.es)      |
   |      Servicio Central de inform=E1tica         |
   |       Universidad de M=E1laga - Espa=F1a         |
   #      Solo se que cada vez se menos :-|       #