[Mailman-Developers] Project idea understanding

raditya raditya at iitk.ac.in
Thu Mar 9 20:08:22 EST 2017

Dear Mentors, 

After going through a lot of sources mentioned in recent replies to
other subscribers and some online sources i have got some understanding
about the idea, which i would like to share with you guys and get some
feedback and suggestions .  

I think we can encrypt the list in the following ways (broadly

1) Each message will be encrypted with all users as recipients.
The mailing-list maintainer will have to regularly send the list of
recipients over the mailing-list itself,
so that every user comes to know the public keys of all recipients.
But this way the maintainer will have to send recipients list to a large
number of users. 

2) Another way could be relaying each message through the maintainer.
The maintainer then encrypts it for single recipient.
This might solve the problem of sending messageto large number of users
but it increases latency (each message must wait for the maintainer to
process it)
the maintainer can censor each message as they all are relayed through

3) Or instead of using asymmetric keys we use a password given to all

I have attached an image in hopes of conveying my idea more clearly for
points 1 & 2. 

Also I'm still not finished with the book "Thinking Security - Steven M.
Bellovin" mentioned by Stephen in one of the replies, so i hope to
refine this crude idea in future. 

The Python GSoC page says that every student must maintain a blog which
i have been maintaining at : Parseltongue.pythonanywhere.com
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