[Mailman-Developers] Posting etiquette

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Thu May 28 02:25:55 CEST 2015

Abhilash Raj writes:

Subject: Re: [Mailman-Developers] help with ImportError: No module named 'psycopg2'

[body omitted]

Abhilash, that post had a signal to noise ratio of 0.08 by line count,
and it would be worse in bytes.  Please trim.  If you don't want to
trim because you're on a handheld device, at least *top-post*, and
don't forget to apologize so that people *know* it's a top-post (in
contravention to ordinary practice on *this* list; see
http://turnbull.sk.tsukuba.ac.jp/Teach/ESES/socsys.html for analysis).

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