[Mailman-Developers] Approach for Post-Throttling

Aanand Shekhar Roy 2013001 at iiitdmj.ac.in
Tue Mar 10 05:00:30 CET 2015

> I think you should provide an option to just throttle the user on a
given list, too.  >Possibly with different default throttling

Should I provide an option to combine both of these options into one ? Or
an option to use any one of the two throttlings?

> I don't see why you would have a separate table for messages.  Just add
the post_after_time >attribute to the message's metadata.

Yes, since we will make changes in the msg metadata so now we will not
require database 2, database 1 will be required for counting post on
threads, also, whether the threads are same or not will be decided
according to the subject header.
For a subject header "abc" we consider the following subjects as the same:
Re: abc
Fwd: abc
We will strip the prefixes Re, Fwd off before adding them to database 1.

Also I had to ask, would it be good if we provide the list-admin with an
option to bypass this throttling for some people? Like the
mailman-developers in this case, we may allow few mailman developers
bypass this throttling effect and those developers will be decided by the


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