[Mailman-Developers] Mailman setup : SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Vlad Shablinsky vladshablinsky at gmail.com
Tue Mar 3 16:06:52 CET 2015

Hi, I'm Vlad Shablinsky. I study computer science in Belarusian State
University and I'm new to Mailman. I've been trying to set up Mailman but
got some errors.

Firstly, I'm running OS X 10.10.
I followed these steps:
1. http://wiki.list.org/DEV/Mac%20Mailman%20development%20setup%20guide

I can't setup Postorius and start the development server.
Here is the error that I have when I run `python setup.py develop` in the
postorius directory. (All the steps before seemed to be ok. At least I
could run `mailman start` and follow the mailman.client step).

line 18
    print "unable to find version in %s" % (VERSIONFILE,)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

More details here:

Could you please guide me on this error?

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