[Mailman-Developers] MIME footers

Barry Warsaw barry at list.org
Tue Feb 24 23:37:41 CET 2015

Thanks for the great explanation Daniel.

On Feb 24, 2015, at 05:08 PM, Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote:

>Mailman does not generate any message/rfc822 MIME parts.  Here's what it
>does to add a footer (there are three cases):

Actually, there's one other case.  The condition is different, but this
doesn't lead to a fourth outcome.

>If the main content-type of the message is text/plain, then mailman just
>appends the footer to the body of the message directly.

Unless the charset of the message is not "compatible" with the mailing list's
preferred language charset.  The test here is not wonderful, but essentially
when adding the decorations (and this includes a possible header although most
lists don't define one) if the charset of the to-be-included text can't be
encoded to the message's text/plain charset, then we do the wrapping, just as
in the multipart case.


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