[Mailman-Developers] Resetting the database for each test

Barry Warsaw barry at list.org
Sun Sep 7 19:44:47 CEST 2014

I hope Abhilash doesn't mind my following up to the mailing list.  This is
useful information that should be searchable in the archives.

Abhilash is working on a port of the core from Storm to SQLAlchemy as the
Python ORM layer.  As an aside, this port plus the one I have pending for
replacing restish with falcon, would allow us to start the port of Mailman 3
to Python 3.

On Sep 07, 2014, at 06:15 AM, Abhilash Raj wrote:

>I am facing a problem where I get this error:
>  mailman.interfaces.domain.BadDomainSpecificationError: Duplicate email
>host: example.com
>while running the tests, now I suspect this probably because the database is
>not being reset in between tests.

This is exactly right.  Here's how the test suite ensures a clean system for
each test.  Note that this includes resetting the database, but also taking
care of things like clearing out the queue directories and other persistent

The first place to look is in the test layers.  These are a Zope-ism adopted
by nose2 (the test runner that MM3 uses) that provides for fixture-like
resource management.


MM3's layers are defined in src/mailman/testing/layers.py.  The most common
layer is ConfigLayer which ensures that the configuration subsystem is
initialized for the tests.  ConfigLayer's testTearDown() is run at the end of
every test that uses the ConfigLayer or any of its subclass layers.  This
method is pretty simple; it just calls reset_the_world() which is where all
the good stuff happens.  See src/mailman/testing/helpers.py.

Most of that method should be pretty obvious; the call to config.db._reset()
is where the database gets cleared out.  _reset() is actually defined in
src/mailman/database/factory.,py and placed onto the database object in
DatabaseTestingFactory.create().  So how does _reset() work?

First, it rolls back the database just to throw away any in progress
transactions.  It then calls back into the specific database implementations
to give them a chance to do some pre-rest actions.  It'll do something similar
after the next step - it'll make a post-reset callback and then commit any
outstanding transactions.  The real heart of the method is in the call to

ModelMeta is the metaclass for all ORM classes, via the Model base class used
everywhere.  The idea here is that each ORM class registers itself in
ModelMeta._class_registry(), as long as the ORM class doesn't have a
PRESERVE=False flag, indicating that particular table should *not* be reset
after every test (currently only the Version table has this setting).

Now you can see what ModelMeta._reset() does.  It iterates through every
registered ORM class, and removes every row in the associated database.  I do
it this way instead of dropping every table because it's actually more
difficult to re-establish the schema than it is to remove the rows.

So the trick for the SQLAlchemy port is to figure out both how to identify
which tables to clear out, and how to drop all of those table's rows.

Hope that makes sense!


[1] I just noticed that ModelMeta._reset() calls _pre_reset() again.  That's
probably a lurking bug that should be fixed.
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