[Mailman-Developers] mailman-bundler-3.0b2: WSGI server error with zope.interface

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Tue May 6 07:30:32 CEST 2014

Tim Marx writes:
 > "/var/tmp/mailman/mailman-bundler/eggs/zope.component-4.2.1-py2.7.egg/zope/component/__init__.py", 
 > line 19, in <module>
 >      from zope.interface import named
 > ImportError: cannot import name named
 > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 > I have already found out, that this error occurs in zope.interface < 
 > 4.1.0, but I've definitly installed version 4.1.1.
 > One interesting fact is, when I start the Django development server 
 > (with activated virtualenv) with './bin/mailman-web-django-admin 
 > runserver' this error doesn't occur.

I think you may have answered your own question.  Try starting a new
shell (to get out of the virtualenv) and typing "./bin/python" (or
wherever the virtualenv python lives) at the shell prompt, then

    >>> import zope.interface
    >>> from zope.interface import named

If the first succeeds but the second doesn't, you have another
zope.interface on your PYTHON_PATH.  You need to ensure that Apache
and mod_wsgi see zope.interface version 4.1.1, not the other one.

I cheat, I have a virtualenv that manipulates the system site-packages
because I don't care about anything but Mailman.  However, you should
be careful that you don't have packages that depend incompatibly on an
earlier version of zope.interface.

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