[Mailman-Developers] [CLI Project]Developed the describe instance feature

Rajeev S rajeevs1992 at gmail.com
Fri Jun 13 06:10:15 CEST 2014


I have completed the `describe instance` feature for the list object. I 
herewith attach the sample output of the command.


The describe feature is triggered when the `show` action is supplied a 
object name of the corresponding domain.

./mmclient show list list1 at domain.org

Further, the CLI can easily be extended to support an independent sub 
command `describe` to perform the same
action, *if necessary*.

./mmclient describe list list1 at domain.org

The describe feature is intended just for getting a snapshot of the 
object, in one shot.

I will be completing the same for rest of the objects and pushing the 
next revision by 17/06/2014,Tuesday, as I will be away
from computer this weekend.

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