[Mailman-Developers] GHC 12 Open Source Day was amazing!

Terri Oda terri at zone12.com
Sun Oct 7 05:35:13 CEST 2012

A very quick report:

We had our post-GHC12 hackathon today and I think we were wildly 
successful.  I didn't sit down and count, but we had around 15 women, 
most new contributors, hacking on Postorius/Mailman today. We stomped on 
a bunch of the specially-marked bugs, and just as vitally, we had a 
bunch of folk go through decent first-pass usability testing of the 
Postorius interface with Robin (who is an experienced UI person from 
Google) and file bugs for the missing bits that seem most essential for 
the Postorius release.   Sometimes we also filed fixes for the bugs that 
were tractable in the time we had!

Because we were on limited time, I've just got a pile of contributions 
tarballed up on our dev vm (and backed up elsewhere), and I got everyone 
who fixed a bug to comment on it on Launchpad so we can send out the 
appropriate copyright forms.   I'll be marking those bugs as fixed once 
I get home (I need to pack and sleep now) and sometime thereafter 
(probably next weekend) I'll separate out the code to merge requests and 
triage the rest of the new bugs so we can start work on those.

I think people had a lot of fun seeing their code go live on our test 
server and watching their bugs get fixed, and I think we've got a few 
contributors who'll be interested in doing more (and maybe, once I 
wrangle the travel funds, coming to pycon!).  I'm so very excited! :)


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