[Mailman-Developers] Mailman 3.0 fresh install - problems from python interpreter

Jessy Kate Schingler jessy at jessykate.com
Thu Jun 7 18:31:35 CEST 2012

thanks mark and barry. i've been traveling so apologies for the delayed

using `bin/mailman shell` command does indeed work flawlessly, thank you!

should the docs be updated perhaps? something either under "getting started
with GNU Maiman" or even a specific page on "interacting with mailman
through the python interpreter"? i am happy to add something or contribute
to that; i think it would certainly facilitate others working with the
software if that bit was a bit more clear.

in general, what is that the recommended way to script one's own
interactions with mailman as part of a larger python program? would it be
through mailman.client "official bindings"? i see there are a number of
imports in bin/mailman and subsequently in
src/mailman/commands/cli_withlist.py (which i gather is an alias for
"shell"). should those be a sufficient set of imports and initializations?

in this particular case, i am building a django app so it seems i can rely
on postorious and mailman.client, but that wouldn't necessarily be the case
in general, and my curiosity is piqued about how the scaffolding process
and imports work so i can do things The Right Way.


On Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 7:09 PM, Barry Warsaw <barry at list.org> wrote:

> Hi Jessy,
> You're doing everything right, but there's one conceptual step that you're
> missing, and which isn't evident from the docs.
> As Mark says, `mailman shell` is the best way to get a Python interactive
> interpreter shell to play with the internal Mailman API.  Why is this
> better
> than just running the virtualenv's `python` interpreter directly?  It's
> because there are a bunch of subsystems that have to be initialized before
> things will work correctly.  E.g., the Zope component architecture (ZCA),
> the
> logging subsystem, the configuration subsystem, queues, rules, pipelines,
> etc.  The exception you're getting is because the ZCA hasn't been
> initialized
> yet.
> `mailman shell` ensures that everything is initialized, then it gives you
> an
> interpreter prompt.
> Hope that helps.
> -Barry
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