[Mailman-Developers] Wiki woes

Barry Warsaw barry at list.org
Sat Dec 15 17:38:59 CET 2012

On Dec 13, 2012, at 01:47 AM, Paul Boddie wrote:

>The first priority is to find out whether Confluence content can still be 
>exported as XML. The data dumps that I originally used were XML 
>serialisations of Hibernate databases, but given the user-visible changes 
>from Confluence 3 to 4, I would need reassuring that Atlassian haven't gone 
>and changed the back-end stuff as well.

The admin page provides a link to generate a backup in zipped XML of the
entire site plus attachments.  I don't know what's in that because I can't
download the backup.  I'll have to make a support request to either get the
backup or expose the download link on the admin pages.

>Confluence has some weird functionality that doesn't always map to Moin 
>concepts, like spaces, blog posts and page comments, but as I note on the 
>above page these can be accommodated in Moin according to various page-naming 

Cool.  I don't necessarily think we need to keep the spaces distinction.  I
stopped using the blog feature a while ago.

>> If this is something you're interested in helping with, it would certainly
>> be greatly appreciated.
>> Is Moin 2.0 far enough along that we can just start using that?
>Not really. It's something you can use, but there are still things that need 
>to settle down in Moin 2 and there is obviously functionality that isn't yet 
>ported. I aim to port much of my own work to Moin 2 at some point, but 
>there's still a lot of mileage in Moin 1.x. (It's like Python 2 versus Python 

Or Mailman 2 vs. Mailman 3?  I wonder what that's like... :)

>For testing purposes, I can easily host this myself, but you'll obviously
>have to consider where to put the final Wiki. It's possible that the FSF
>already host things using MoinMoin, so maybe it would fit into their existing
>infrastructure, but this is something for you to decide.

We'll work that out.  I definitely think we want something in the list.org

>For now, I have made the Wiki content available at the following location:
>As noted, all current page revisions will look wrong, but historical (before 
>Confluence 4) revisions should have been translated to a certain extent.

Cool, thanks for moving this forward.  I'll make a support request to get the


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