[Mailman-Developers] translation of mail templates

Patrick Ben Koetter p at state-of-mind.de
Sun Aug 26 23:12:32 CEST 2012

* Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>:
> Peter Holzer wrote:
> >Hi
> >Aside of the actual translations being done...
> >Can someone confirm that german umlauts and more or less 
> >exotic characters should work within the mail templates?
> Templates for web pages or pieces of web pages should have all
> non-ascii characters encoded as HTML entities, e.g. '&auml;',
> '&ouml;', etc.

Seriously? Is there a particular reason we can't go UTF-8 and use 'ä', 'ö'
the way they are written natively? Don't take it personal, Mark, but
eversince I've been on the Internet I had to use a charset from a foreign
language to create a crippled representation of my native language. If there's
a chance to improve that I'd like to take it.

> Text templates for email messages, etc. can have non-ascii (exotic)
> characters as long as they are encoded in the character set that
> Mailman uses for that language. For Mailman 2.1 and German, this is
> iso-8859-1.
> Unfortunately, I'm not sure how this is working in MM3 in terms of how
> the various languages are registered and what the character set for
> German is (although most should probably be utf-8).

For German most people nowadays use UTF-8.

p at rick

state of mind ()


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