[Mailman-Developers] GnuPG support

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Tue May 24 05:01:49 CEST 2011

Barry Warsaw writes:

 > My own inclination is that most sites won't need this,

FWIW, I disagree.  Much of the world is moving in the direction of
personal IDs, perhaps backed up by an organization (eg, OpenID),
rather than IDs tied to a host.  Given the prevalence of systems "for
the rest of us (who don't have a clue about PGP)", I doubt it will be
a majority, but I bet you would get a lot of uptake if it were

 > so it should be available as a plugin,

Yes, it should be available as a Handler (or whatever the
corresponding component of MM3 architecture is).  It's not at all
clear to me where in the stack of filters it belongs, and I can easily
imagine people wanting to make it early or late.  We won't know until
we see the practice.

BTW, I hate that word, "plugin", which reminds of the hero of "Alice's
Restaurant" getting "detected, inspected, injected, and neee-glected,
with no part left untouched".  Almost certainly you can be a lot more
specific about *where* it fits into the architecture, such as

As far as customizing the pipeline goes, it would be cool if there
were a GUI which allowed moving/inserting/deleting Handlers (a la
Emacs's "list" widget in Customize).

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