[Mailman-Developers] Apache configuration: Web Interface for archives in mm3

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Mon May 16 16:36:12 CEST 2011

Welcome Dushyant and our other GSoC students!

BTW, I was mostly off-line last week attending the Ubuntu Developer Summit in
Budapest.  I'm back now so you can ping me on IRC if you want to chat.

On May 15, 2011, at 06:03 PM, Dushyant Bansal wrote:

>I am a gsoc candidate with mailman. I'll be working on archives UI and Search
>functionality. I'll be blogging about my progress here:
>As my first task is to complete the UI part of the archives, I am trying to
>get started with pipermail UI.  My first question is - Is it possible to view
>archives via web interface on mailman 3.  If yes, can somebody please guide
>me or provide me hints to make it work.

The Pipermail archiver in MM3 currently integrates with Apache the same way
that Mailman 2.1 did, so it's best to follow those directions for now.  This
may eventually change, and the instructions are largely untested for MM3, but
that's the best way to try to make it work for now.


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