[Mailman-Developers] Suggestions about Mailman bounce processing

Barry Warsaw barry at list.org
Sat Jan 8 01:07:00 CET 2011

On Dec 29, 2010, at 12:50 AM, Thomas Hochstein wrote:

>"Superticker2 (Mark)" schrieb:
>> If there's a service or utility that can verify a list of email addresses
>> (prior to a mass operation), please suggest it.
><http://th-h.de/download/checkmail-0.4.tar.gz> is a Perl script to
>check the validity of a mail address (by trying a SMTP dialog up to

FWIW, in Mailman 3, email validation is a "utility" in the ZCA[*] sense of the
term, so in theory it should be fairly easily pluggable.  The current
algorithm is not much different than the Mailman 2 checks.


[*] Zope Component Architecture
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