[Mailman-Developers] UI for Mailman 3.0 update

Barry Warsaw barry at list.org
Wed Jun 16 04:44:03 CEST 2010

On Jun 13, 2010, at 05:16 PM, Cristóbal Palmer wrote:

>If there's some other non-CAPTCHA approach (or set of approaches) that
>we could use to help reduce spammy signups, then I'm all for it. I
>guess my hope is that we'd have something in place that reduces the
>signups themselves rather than imposing work or workflow changes on
>moderators or list members after they've joined. If that's necessary,
>fine, but let's try things that happen at the signup step, too, yes?
>Even something as simple as requiring a hidden form field NONCE and
>conservative rate limits on public signups, neither of which require
>javascript or images....

Given that all signups require an email validation step, and that we'll
rate-limit that to prevent using signups as a spam vector, what additional
protection does captcha provide?


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