[Mailman-Developers] mm-handler2.1.10(was:beforenextrelease:disable backscatter in defaultinstallation)

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Sat Mar 29 22:23:29 CET 2008

Mark Sapiro wrote:

>Kenneth Porter wrote:
>>--On Saturday, March 29, 2008 9:37 AM -0700 Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net> 
>>> If so, it seems that rather than just dropping a 'bad' message as
>>> mm-handler seems to do when $BounceUnapproved = 0; and $BounceNonlist
>>> = 0;, wouldn't it be better to exit with a failure status.
>>Good idea. EX_NOUSER (67) would be a good code to return. Does Perl have a 
>>module that defines these codes symbolically? I didn't see anything at 
>>CPAN, but I found one here:
>The two exit codes that seem to make sense are EX_NOUSER (67) and
>EX_UNAVAILABLE (69). Perhaps EX_NOUSER for a non-existent list and
>EX_UNAVAILABLE for a non accepted suffix.
>I don't think perl defines these symbolically anywhere.

There is a potential problem with this, and I don't know enough about
the actual sendmail -> mm-handler interface to know if it is a problem
or not.

mm-handler parses its arguments from sendmail and builds a list of
recipients and then processes that list in a loop. If it is really the
case that a message addressed to, e.g., more than one list will be
passed from sendmail to mm-handler as one invocation with multiple
recipients, then the problem is you can only return one exit status,
and the desposition might not be the same for all recipients.

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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