[Mailman-Developers] anti-backscatter mm-handler (was before next release: disablebackscatter in default installation)

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Tue Mar 11 02:18:17 CET 2008

Kenneth Porter wrote:

>--On Friday, March 07, 2008 4:31 PM -0800 Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net> 
>> Also, if you're happy with the way the new mm_handler is working, let
>> me know, and I'll get it in the contrib directory for 2.1.10.
>I'm seeing lines like the following in maillog. How do I trace the source 
>of the error? (I can debug code in an Emacs/shell situation, I just don't 
>know how to debug within the sendmail/mm-handler/mailman environment to 
>isolate the offending module and line.)
>Mar 10 11:13:30 centos sendmail[26008]: m2749udR026109: 
>to=<tvservers at lists.matureasskickers.net>, delay=3+14:03:32, 
>xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=mailman, pri=7863419, 
>relay=lists.matureasskickers.net, dsn=4.0.0, stat=Operating system error
>In sendmail.mc:
>Mmailman,       P=/usr/local/sbin/mm-handler, F=rDFMhlqSu, 
>                S=EnvFromL, R=EnvToL/HdrToL,
>                A=mm-handler $h $u
>My only change to your script was the Perl location in the shebang and 
>these two lines (to match the CentOS RPM file locations):
>$MMWRAPPER = "/usr/lib/mailman/mail/mailman";
>$MMLISTDIR = "/var/lib/mailman/lists";

I am not the author of mm-handler - that's David Champion. I'm just the
release manager for the 2.1.10 release. I'm not well versed in either
perl or sendmail, but I'm surprised sendmail doesn't log more.

In any case, my guess would be a permissions issue or a group mismatch
from the mailman wrapper, but if everything is the same as with the
previous mm-handler, then that should not be the case.

You could try running mm-handler by hand. I think it would be something

 /usr/local/sbin/mm-handler your.host.name listname < file_with_raw_msg

You might want to uncomment the $DEBUG = 1; line when you do this. If I
read your sendmail.mc fragment correctly, you want to do this as
user:group mailman:mailman.

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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