[Mailman-Developers] 1-click unsubscribe

Terri Oda terri at zone12.com
Thu Mar 6 04:15:36 CET 2008

On 4-Mar-08, at 11:15 AM, Cristóbal Palmer wrote:
> IMHO, moving the "unsubscribe or edit options" to the top of the
> listinfo page or making it its own page by default would go a long way
> towards alleviating this problem.


Most of my problems went away when I changed it so "unsubscribe" was  
on the button (it used to be just "edit options" and boy, that was  
fun), but I'm sure we can make this page more useable.  We actually  
already have a separate page, that's just not linked: try looking at  
the options page without an email address and it's almost exactly  
what users would probably want:


Maybe we should just advertise that link more heavily somehow?  I  
think that's the page most subscribers *actually* want, so maybe  
that's the one that should appear in the default footers?

I've actually had the weird but insightful opportunity to watch other  
people use mailman because I'm maintaining an installation at the  
university, and I've been learning a lot about the web interface that  
I didn't realise... it's been very interesting, since I had never  
been anywhere near my subscribers and list admins before.


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