[Mailman-Developers] Documentation status?

Terri Oda terri at zone12.com
Wed Mar 5 21:53:21 CET 2008

On 5-Mar-08, at 2:53 PM, A.M. Kuchling wrote:

> What's the status of the Mailman documentation, and where is the
> master copy now?  The LaTeX source for the docs isn't in the Bazaar
> repository, beyond a copy in the Japanese translation
> (./messages/ja/doc/mailman-member.tex).  The wiki page at
> http://wiki.list.org/display/DOC/Mailman+2.1+List+Administrators 
> +Manual
> says "I (Terri) am currently in the process of importing the 2.1
> documentation from latex," but there are many missing sections.
> Is the plan to migrate everything into the wiki?  And where does the
> current LaTeX master live?

The plan is to migrate all of the docs to the wiki, in hopes that  
someone someday might help me write them. ;)

The master latex file is probably the one on my hard drive/checked  
into source control (uhh, it was in svn, but it might not have made  
it to bazaar, in which case, that's my bad and I'll see what I can  
do), but despite the note, I think I have mostly imported it into the  
wiki so you can take those as final for now.  I'll double check when  
I get home tonight.

I should probably finish writing the docs, but I'm currently hampered  
by a cyst in my right hand that makes it fairly hard to type right  
now, so it's kinda limited my ability to participate in much online  
at the moment.  I've been thinking about the mailman docs lately,  
though (because I looked at them after Jennifer's post about dynamic  
sublists and was depressed to realise that I hadn't written the  
section she wanted yet).  I'm getting adept at typing with a wrist  
brace on despite the temporary disability, so poke the docs again  
after this weekend and I may have the admin docs much further along.   
Really!   If I don't get distracted trying to write a new archive  
system. (no, really, I have notes on that too!)


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