[Mailman-Developers] my branch of Cgi/admin.py is now uptodate with 2.1.11rc1

Fil fil at rezo.net
Sun Jun 15 00:29:22 CEST 2008


as some of you know (Barry at least) I have a modified version of
Cgi/admin.py which allows me to use the web interface on a 200 000
members list. The standard admin.py break way below this point.  I
hadn't upgraded it for ages, but here is now a version that integrates
all changes (security fixes) that have been made on the official

I've tried to use bzr but no luck, versions seems incompatible between
the debian one (0.11) and the repo (0.15) , so I'm still doing it the
old way:

revision 93 is the integration of the security patches
revision 15 is my patch

I also have this idea that the Membership API lacks a search method;
it ain't good to query all addresses from the database and regexp them
one by one when we could ask the database to extract only those that
match. This is why I also have a modified MemberAdaptor.py

-- Fil

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