[Mailman-Developers] Sender field

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Mon May 1 15:39:47 CEST 2006

On Sat, 2006-04-29 at 09:03 -0700, Mark Sapiro wrote:

> This can be done by making a modified SMTPDirect.py and modifying the
> pipeline for the XEmacs lists. I'm pretty sure you know how to do
> this, but after I was recently reminded (by you I think - thank you)
> that this is a good way to do lots of things, I wrote a FAQ on it
> <http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py?req=show&file=faq04.067.htp>.
> The specific changes to SMTPDirect.py would be at the beginning of
> bulkdeliver().

Nice entry Mark, thanks.  I'll add two things:

      * You could still add a handler to the global pipeline, but have
        it do a test of the listname or domain first, and if it doesn't
        match, do a quick return.  You pay the cost of the handler for
        every mailing list, but it should be fairly minimal in the
        scheme of things
      * We should probably define a more convenient way to extend the
        pipeline for specific lists or domains (IOW, MM2.2 should have a
        more useful hook mechanism).

> You would be looking for bounces being returned to inappropriate places
> such as the original poster or the list itself. Thus, list members
> would have to be aware of the fact that there was a change and that
> they should try to observe and report any change in received bounces
> or other autoresponses to their posts. It might be tricky to filter
> out actual change from perceived change due to being more aware.


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