[Mailman-Developers] 2.1.8 documentation mismatch

Brad Knowles brad at stop.mail-abuse.org
Thu Jun 8 15:52:26 CEST 2006

At 12:20 PM +0100 2006-06-08, Ian Eiloart wrote:

>  No, that's not true. What's required is that Mailman provide a simple API
>  to allow MTA developers to ask Mailman whether a particular sender is
>  permitted to post to the list. Holding rosters (a v3 proposal) in open
>  databases would solve this problem - at least for Exim.

	That's fine, for Exim.

>  Although Mailman is capable of filtering on other factors, I don't think
>  the number of cases is significant. However, it might be possible to extend
>  the API to provide information on other list policies.

	I disagree that it's not significant.  If you want to extend the 
"simple API" argument to other aspects of the filtering Mailman is 
capable of doing, that's fine.

	But you still have to have something to use that API to tell the 
MTA what it needs to know and when, and I don't think we can 
necessarily depend on the MTA authors to create that.  Maybe the Exim 
authors could and would do so quickly, but that's not the only MTA we 
have to concern ourselves with.

Brad Knowles, <brad at stop.mail-abuse.org>

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