[Mailman-Developers] Mysql MemberAdaptor 1.61 and Mailman 2.1.6

Fil fil at rezo.net
Wed Oct 26 21:54:01 CEST 2005

As an aside question I would ask: do you notice speed improvement by
switching to MySQL-based membership? I have a big list of ~180k subscribers
and unfortunately it is now *very* difficult to use the web interface to
unsubscribe people.

Right now I have to resort to command-line instructions and it's not very
practical. I wonder if I should not go the MySQL way, but I'm a bit worried
about taking this risk to my databases (I'd hate to reconstruct 70+ lists
from a backup). Especially if the switch does not bring a solution.

I'd be happy to get advice and maybe even some help if things turn bad, from
people who know this piece of patch.

-- Fil

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