[Mailman-Developers] Debugging lost messages?

Brad Knowles brad at stop.mail-abuse.org
Mon Oct 10 11:18:00 CEST 2005

At 5:29 AM +0200 2005-10-07, Brad Knowles wrote:

>  	This is what I find so frustrating about debugging this particular
>  process.  As far as Mailman is concerned, you really can't get too
>  much more plain-jane than what we're running.  And yet, stuff has
>  clearly been broken for about a month now, and I can't figure out why.

	One thing I've found particularly frustrating is that I can now 
see messages being bounced which should not be (thanks to the 
additional debugging that I've put into place), but I can't figure 
out which handler is causing the messages to be bounced.

	The code in IncomingRunner.py currently looks like this:

             except Errors.RejectMessage, e:
                 mlist.BounceMessage(msg, msgdata, e)
                 syslog('vette', 'Message bounced, listname: %s, msgid: %s',
                        msg.get('message-id', 'n/a'))
                 return 0

	What I'd like to do is add the name of the handler somewhere in 
that line, but I'm not sure how to do that.  I'm going to read up on 
programming in Python, but any advice or assistance that anyone can 
provide would be appreciated.

	Once I can track down the offending handler, I can put in some 
more debugging code into that particular routine, and try to get a 
better idea of why those messages are being inappropriately bounced.

Brad Knowles, <brad at stop.mail-abuse.org>

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