[Mailman-Developers] Patch for Mail Archive mirroring

Fil fil at rezo.net
Tue May 3 10:45:54 CEST 2005

I would see it that way, in the "Archiving" section of admin :

      Archiving on a foreign system :

        prevent archiving on foreign systems   yes []  no [x]
                (adds a X-NO-Archive: header)

        if no,
        send all mails to archive on the following address(es):
                [ ................ ]
                e.g. archiver at mail-archive.org, thingy at gmane.plop, and so on
                see http://mail.org/foreign_archives/ for more information

With this (and proper wording), I think you get the best of the
functionality without the "political" problems.

-- Fil

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