[Mailman-Developers] Mail-to-news gatewaying?

Tokio Kikuchi tkikuchi at is.kochi-u.ac.jp
Tue Feb 8 04:11:12 CET 2005


Brad Knowles wrote:

>     The latest crisis that has me wondering is the subject prefix 
> stuff.  Looking in NewsRunner.py, starting at line 104, we have:
>     # Should we restore the original, non-prefixed subject for gatewayed
>     # messages?
>     origsubj = msgdata.get('origsubj')
>     if not mlist.news_prefix_subject_too and origsubj is not None:
>         del msg['subject']
>         msg['subject'] = origsubj
>     However, we still have a problem.  If mail clients reply to the 
> message to the list (which will include the subject prefix), then this 
> will result in a new message with a subject prefix for the list already 
> present.  Now, Mailman is smart and avoids adding a second subject 
> prefix, but it doesn't strip out the subject prefix if one already 
> exists.  For the mailing list, this subject prefix stripping isn't 
> necessary.  But for gatewaying to the newsgroup, it might be desirable.

Sorry but I have no newsgroup forwarding environment here. Our system 
administrator (myself) determined long ago that newsgroups (usenet and 
fj) have extremely low S/N ratio and waste of storage and bandwidth. ;-)

>     This would also resolve the issue of restoring the original subject 
> when gatewaying -- don't bother, and just let the subject prefix 
> stripper deal with it.
>     If this were sed or Perl, I could quickly put together a one-line 
> hack to implement this feature.  For example, just doing something off 
> the top of my head, you might be able to use something like:
>         subject=y/\w*$prefix\w*/ /;

Things are not easy because there are MIME subjects and we also start 
numbering prefix in mailman 2.1.6. May be we can calculate 
'stripped_subject' in CookHeaders.py and store in msgdata for later use. 
Or, strip in a magical ;-) way which I use in CookHeaders.py and in 
HyperArch.py, in NewsRunner.py again.

Anyway, I will try.

Tokio Kikuchi, tkikuchi@ is.kochi-u.ac.jp

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