[Mailman-Developers] hooking mailman into bbs forum

Terri Oda terri at zone12.com
Thu Nov 4 23:40:51 CET 2004

On Nov 4, 2004, at 4:31 PM, Steel City Phantom wrote:
> if someone replys to the email they receive from mailman, how to i get 
> mailman to either post the reply into the mysql database, or another 
> option will be send my JBoss servlet the email formatted into some 
> kind of xml that the JBoss can use to post into the forum.
> if anyone can point me into a direction to do this, it would help me a 
> lot.  i just downloaded 2.1.5 and am starting to find my way around 
> the code, but that will take a while.

Have you looked at making an archiver for mailman that just dumps stuff 
into your database?  I'd guess that you could go

webform -> mailman -> jboss
email -> mailman -> jboss

then, so you'd have to switch your bbs to send everything to mailman 
and not archive it, then have posts archived after they've been handled 
by mailman.  But then it wouldn't matter where the message came from 
initially, be it a web submission or an email reply.  A BBS system 
might make a particularly nice archiver, too...


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